Contract Buyout Policy

A residential housing contract buyout may only occur before the spring semester when a student does not fit the current criteria for release of contract, i.e., marriage, documented medical necessity, military service, or graduation midterm (less than 12 credit hours remaining on the student’s degree plan). Contract Buyouts can only be considered when the demand for housing exceeds occupancy. Residents may apply to terminate their housing contract by submitting a written request.However, applying for a contract buyout does not guarantee an automatic release from the Housing Contract. The contract buyout request will be reviewed by the Director of Housing or the Dean of Student Services. The student’s account must be in good standing. The College must have an applicant prepared to move into the unoccupied space and financially ready to pay no less than the down payment due on the room for the term. At such time, the contract buyout requestor, if approved, can pay the $500 buyout fee, and then the student may be released from the Housing Contract. Regardless of the timing for the buyout request, there will be no refund given for the fall semester payment, other than as stated in the Alabama Community College System Board of Trustees Policy 327.01.

Coastal Alabama Community College scholarship athletes seeking a residential contract buyout must submit documentation from their coaches signfying release from their current scholarship.

Coastal Alabama Community College considers the Residence Life Housing Contract to be a legally binding document on the part of the student and College.