Policies for Clubs and Organizations

The College is dedicated to the total development of the individual and provides many opportunities for student participation. Students bring to the campus a variety of interests as members of the academic community. They are encouraged to continue their interests in various campus clubs and organizations and to form new associations. All club projects are coordinated through the Student Government Association. Any club wishing to sponsor a project of any nature must secure approval by the Dean of Student Services or Designee a minimum of two weeks in advance of the project date. Every student is urged to join and become active in at least one club. Club membership will provide an opportunity for participation in campus life and will enable students to make a real contribution to their College. The membership, policies, and actions of a student organization will be determined by a vote of only those persons who are enrolled students. The sponsors shall be present at all regular and special meetings of the organization, or at any segment or committee meeting of the organization. With the exception of the SGA, sponsors may be chosen by the student organizations with the approval of the Dean of Student Services or Designee.

Student organizations are required to submit a statement of purpose, criteria for membership, a copy of the constitution and by-laws, and a current list of officers. Meetings of student clubs and organizations must be submitted to the Dean of Student Services or Designee for placement on the official school calendar. Campus organizations shall be open to all students without respect to race, creed, national origin, sex, or qualified disability. All clubs and organizations must conform to the laws and policies of the State of Alabama and the Student Government Association. No club or organization shall interfere or support interference with the regular academic pursuit of any student by causing or encouraging nonattendance at classes or College activities without prior consent of proper College officials or by any action that might cause disrepute to a student, instructor, or College activity.