1. Sanctions for Category 1 Violations:
One or any combination of sanctions, as appropriate:
- Administrative Letter of Reprimand-A written letter from the Student Conduct Administrator. The letter may include a sanction or a warning to a student that conduct was inappropriate, and that further misconduct will result in more severe disciplinary action.
- Probation- A status between good standing and suspension from the College. It is ordinarily imposed for a period of not less than one semester. It may also include such restrictions as a denial of the opportunity to represent the College as officer or member of a student organization. Future violations may result in additional sanctions
- Restitution- Repayment for theft or damage
- Fines-Monetary payments for violations
- Discretionary Sanctions-Seminars or mentoring, research project or service to the College
- Building/Facility Suspension-Suspension from a building or space on campus
2. Sanctions for Category 2 Violations:
Any combination of sanctions for Category 1 Violations, including:
Class Suspension- class suspension is defined as a temporary separation from the college, for one or more semesters. Once suspended, a student is withdrawn from course rolls. The student will not receive credit for those courses and will not be allowed to attend any College-sponsored event or activity.
A student who completes all required sanctions will be welcomed back to the College after the suspension period. Though, sometimes the student’s return comes with one or more of the following stipulations:
- Not permitted to live on campus
- Can no longer participate in (certain activity)
- Subject to random drug screenings
- Restricted from certain campus areas or buildings
Dismissal- A permanent separation from the College. When dismissed, a student is withdrawn from course rolls and is no longer allowed on ANY campus. Students who are dismissed from campus have a hold place on their account and cannot later enroll.
3. Determining Sanctions: Each student situation will be evaluated individually when considering the following mitigating and aggravating impacts:
- The nature of the violation
- A student's level of involvement in the violation
- Actual harm caused by the behavior
- The potential risk of harm
- The student's intent
- The impact on the campus community
- The severity and pervasiveness of the behavior
- The student's demonstrated understanding and sincere remorse
- The student's level of cooperation and compliance
- The level of success of prior intervention