Special Testing for High School Equivalency Diploma

Coastal Alabama Community College has been designated by the Alabama State Department of Education as a test center for the General Education Development (GED) Test. This Test is used as the basis for granting the diploma of high school equivalency issued by the State Department of Education. The Alabama High School Equivalency Diploma is designed to benefit veterans, service personnel, and adults over 18 years of age who did not complete high school. Most colleges, employers, training agencies, and state and federal civil service agencies accept the Alabama High School Equivalency Diploma.

To be eligible for the certificate a person must: (1) be 18 years of age or may take the Test at 16 or 17 years of age, if the school superintendent provides written approval, and if the parent(s) or guardian also provide a letter of agreement: (2) be a resident of the State of Alabama; and (3) make an acceptable score on the GED Test.

Persons may take the GED Test regardless of the amount of previous education. Also, all GED applicants must provide photographic identification and a valid social security card to the test center official(s) as part of the identification process prior to taking the GED Test. Interested persons may obtain further information concerning the Test by calling 1-800-381-3722.